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Hillcrest Vol. Fire Department

Mechanicville, NY

145 Pruyn Hill Rd.
Mechanicville, NY 12118

Telephone Numbers:

Non-emergency dial:
(518) 664-3434


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  • As we turn the calendar to 2023, we want to look back at the previous year and summarize the hard work and dedication our Volunteers have provided back to the Community.  In 2022, we responded to 306 emergency calls, broken down into the following categories:
  • Fires (building, vehicle, outdoor) – 15 (4.9%) EMS/Rescue (medical assist, motor vehicle crash, extrication) – 192 (62.75%) Hazardous Condition (gas leak, electrical, power lines) – 9 (2.94%) Service Related (standby, water/flooding) – 13 (4.25%) Good Intent (canceled in-route) – 46 (15.03%) Alarm Activations (smoke, CO, system malfunction) – 31 (10.13%) TOTAL – 306 Calls.
  • Throughout the year, we performed 47 department details, conducted 40 drills/training events and participated in 12 community-related functions, including Fire Safety Programs at the Mechanicville Elementary School, our annual Christmas Santa Run, Halfmoon Trunk or Treat, Kid’s Halloween Party and several community parades and celebrations!  It was a busy year to say the least and we look forward to another successful year in 2023!
  • And most importantly, none of this would have been possible without your support.  Our Annual Fund Drive is extremely important to our operation, as mMonies received during this drive go directly towards meeting our operating and equipment expenses, as well as allowing us to conduct our various community programs and events.  We would like to thank EVERYONE who has contributed to this effort and who continue to support our Department!  THANK YOU… THANK YOU… THANK YOU!

...Tired of going to the grocery store to return your bottles and cans? We can take them off your hands and doing so will also help your community... 

We need your bottles and cans to help our Equipment Fund. We have a bottle drop off to the right of the station in the back of the Parking lot. You can drop any bottles and cans off while driving by day or night and we will put them in to our secured container. From our secured container they will go to a recycling center and we receive the funds from your bottles and cans.  We collect any bottles and cans and use the money from them to purchase life saving equipment to protect our community.