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Hillcrest Vol. Fire Department

Mechanicville, NY

145 Pruyn Hill Rd.
Mechanicville, NY 12118

Telephone Numbers:

Non-emergency dial:
(518) 664-3434


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The Halfmoon Fire District #1, located in the State of New York, Saratoga County, Town of Halfmoon, is a local government entity that was formed under the laws of New York State. The fire district has broad powers among which are: power to operate, maintain, equip, and adopt policies and procedures for a fire department. That fire department is the Halfmoon Hillcrest Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a.k.a. the Hillcrest Volunteer Fire Department.

The Halfmoon Fire District #1 is governed by a board of five (5) fire commissioners, who have been elected by the voting residents of the fire district. The volunteer officers and members of the Halfmoon Hillcrest Volunteer Fire Department operate under the Fire Chief who reports to the Board of Fire Commissioners. The Fire Chief and two (2) Assistant Chiefs have control of the fire department at all times when it is called to service.  The chief officers are nominated for their offices by the voting active fire department members, and must be approved for their nominated positions by the Board of Fire Commissioners.  The fire department elects and/or appoints junior firematic officers (according to the department By-Laws) who assist the fire chiefs with their duties and responsibilities, and direct firematic operations in the absence of the chief officers.  Additionally, the fire department elects administrative officers, according to the department By-Laws, who run the department when it is not engaged in firematic activities. Membership in the fire department consists of active and support members.  The duties and distinctions of these members are detailed in the department’s By-Laws. Restrictions or requirements on the number of members are set by the Board of Fire Commissioners.

The fire district’s fire department members provide fire protection and suppression (including interior fire suppression), fire prevention, extrication, rescue, hazmat, and basic emergency medical services (EMS) to the residents, visitors, and businesses of the Halfmoon Fire District #1 and the surrounding communities.  The members are allowed to perform their respective duties based upon their individual self-declared abilities, their membership classification, individual training, and the results of individual periodic physical examination and SCBA fit test. 

Training and drills are provided on a schedule that allows exposure to various firematic / EMS topics. These sessions are scheduled at least twice per month.  Required yearly OSHA training is included.  In addition, firefighters and EMS volunteer personnel are required to complete certain NYS training courses as detailed in the department By-Laws.  They are also encouraged, but not required, to take other firematic / EMS related NYS or association training courses.

The fire department’s chief officers maintain a series of Best Practice Guidelines which are available for viewing on the fire department’s website at all times.  These best practices provide operational guidance for many types of incidents to which the department responds, and reminds the responders of safety precautions.

The Halfmoon Fire District #1 provides and maintains, at no cost to the volunteer firefighters, the apparatus equipment, and personal protective equipment (PPE) that meets NFPA recommendations.  Personally owned or purchased gear is not allowed to be used during firefighting activities.  All PPE, hoses and ladders used in the performance of firefighting are periodically tested and repaired / replaced as necessary for safety reasons.

It shall be the responsibility of the Chiefs to inform the Board of Fire Commissioners of needed equipment repairs, maintenance, and possible need for replacement.

The Chief annually appoints a safety officer(s) that will operate in that capacity at the scene of emergencies, and in the fire station both during emergencies and non-emergencies.  The officers will stress to all members that safety is everyone’s job, and possible problems should be reported to the Chief officers or President for the appropriate corrective action.  The Chief and Board of Fire Commissioners will maintain the records for work related injuries, deaths, and exposures. 

This Organizational Statement is hereby adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Halfmoon Fire District #1.  It shall remain in effect until revised by a majority vote of the Board of Fire Commissioners.